Use the GPS coordinates captured by your phone.
Find and add coordinates to photos and files anywhere in the world.
Use the GPS location search to find photos and files.
How To video are intersecting and provide many new ideas
Use GPS coordinates to enhance genealogical research.
GPS tag graves and family history sites.
Retrace stops on vacations.
Tag photos taken on hikes.
This storybook page can tell its own click on the colored tags.
You Can Accomplish Many Things
With The Storybook Module
Make it Interactive
Add Video and Audio
Adding a QR Code makes it possible to scan the media with a smartphone which then plays the video clip or audio file.
The Heritage Collector System comes with an app that allows you to create QR Codes
Interactive Storybooks Can TELL Their Own Stories
This storybook has talking tags. Passing a mouse cursor over the display will cause and tag to play an audio talk as if the page could speak and tell its own story.
Just think how entertaining, interesting a storybook page becomes when you can hear actual narrative or see a video clip while viewing a storybook page.
Existing sound and video files can be copied and associated with any storybook page.