Acquire and Use GPS

The Value and Use of GPS Coordinates

Use the GPS coordinates captured by your phone.
Find and add coordinates to photos and files anywhere in the world.
Use the GPS location search to find photos and files.
How To video are intersecting and provide many new ideas
Use GPS coordinates to enhance genealogical research.
GPS tag graves and family history sites.
Retrace stops on vacations
Tag photos taken on hikes.

Enhance Photos and Information With GPS

We have included many resources to help you understand and learn as you use the software. Fortunately you won’t have to waste time searching for a specific help topic or reading the whole manual before you begin. You can start using the program and access help with a button click or watch short ‘How To’ movies about what you need to know.

GPS Tag Family History

Portability Travel Genealogy Research

Navigation and help buttons located at the bottom of most displays. In this example you will see a “How” button (A) that will display a movie and a Help button (B) will display documentation.

Tag and View Vacation Photos

We explored some very interesting place at Mesa Verde National Park.It’s fun to see those same place from a satellite view.

Pinpoint Grave Locations

It’s easy to acquire GPS coordinates by taking a picture of the grave.
Heritage Collector can read and display the coordinates after the photo has been imported.

Acquiring GPS Coordinates

Coordinates may also be acquired by clicking the Get GPS button allowing you to go anywhere in the world to get coordinates.