Click the Play button to hear the unbelievable true war story associated with the photo above.
It’s important to preserve, associate, and share many different kinds of photos and as much information as possible. Best of all, stories can be presented in new ways making them more interesting and accessible to younger people.
Short stories are easier to appreciate, and learn from.
Information contained in a slide show may enhance a family history and encourage others to read more of the stories contained in the printed book or PDF.
Information can be presented and preserved in the following ways:
A Story of True Love!
Image how everyone gets choked up when they hear how much grandpa loved grandma! The written word can not communicate the emotion in the voice of the young airman who was returning from the war to marry his sweetheart and how he expressed his tender feelings.
The photo and attached sound file (above) is part of a slide show containing, photos, captions, audio files and talking (audio) hotspots.
Just think how entertaining, interesting and informative a slide show become when you were to hear actual narrative from the person in the photo.
An audio file may be associated with each image in a slide show. Additional sound files may be added to one of more hotspots on the image.
Sound files can be associated with any photo in a collection. Clicking a play button allows the user to hear the sound associated with the photo or file.
Existing sound files can be coped and associated with any photo in a collection. Sound files (narrative) may be created and edited with a sound sound editing program such as Audacity..
Ever wonder why the greeting card section is so big? Because everyone is trying to find the ‘perfect’ card for that special someone. We can help you create a one of kind card that will be a real keeper it will be so special and unique.
Not only will you be able to create a great personalized card, it will be able to sing out from the recipient’s phone. Yes, you will actually be able to sing happy birthday or offer some special words that will be heard when the card is opened and the QR codes is scanned.
Like most things you can do with Heritage Collector, “It’s easy once you know how.” The Interactive Navigator will show and teach you how. Christmas is just around the corner. This year your card could be the most special ones you’ve ever sent!
True story. I had an old home movie my mother had taken of my dad bragging about a recent fishing trip in the early 1960’s. The movie was interesting but without sound no one would really understand what my dad was bragging about.
I had the idea. I’d edit the old video clip and add sound. I was there so I became my dad’s voice and explained what was happening in the old movie. What a great way for the kids to get to know they great grandpa! Click the play button on the movie below to see what I did to add new life to this old silent movie.
[fvplayer id=”1″]
Click the Play button to watch an old home movie. Adding sound narrative can make to an old movie very interesting and informative.
Click here for help learning how to capture and edit sound. Need help converting your home movies? I had Tom at TMC convert and digitally enhance all my old home movies. The result was astoundingly excellent. Click here to go to his site.
Creating a PDF containing photos and descriptions is an excellent way to share information with others via e-mail or printing. It’s easy to specify the numbers and photos to be included on each PDF page using the following PDF option.
Each photo may have the following information shown with the photo:
PDF Picture Page Configurations:
All of these features are included with Heritage Collector